In January of 2021 Dan Canova was watching a TicToc video about some guy shooting over 400 yards with a crazy looking bow. He was in the market for a new bow so he was hooked on that “video bait” more than a bear coming into honey. “I was in the market for a new bow,...
Gives a lot of credit to his Disrupter 24’s discreet size Even though Gearhead Field Staffer Max Campanella started out his 2021 season a little rough, he pushed through, and instead of crying about it went on to have a banner finish. “It was a rocky start,” he said. ...
While many people focus on a great kill-shot on a huge buck, or others consider a Gearhead moment as one that wins an archery tournament, Field Staffer Ari Kontiainen has some other special moments in mind. “There are way too many good Gearhead moments to choose...
According to Gearhead fan and whitetail deer hunter Esa Skogstrom, of Finland, whitetail deer were imported to his country from the USA in 1934 and 1948 with seven animals, and have expanded to over 100 000 in population. The animals have succeeded very well in...
While Halloween can be a great time to hunt, you need to have a bow that is all in one piece to do so, but unfortunately for TJ Fitzgerald that wasn’t the case. “It was Halloween to be exact,” he said. “I had a bit of a mishap with the first bow I’d ever purchased a...